This is the Benefits of Yellow Pumpkin for Stomach Acid

Ever heard of the benefits of pumpkin for stomach acid? This fruit contains a variety of nutrients and tends not to trigger stomach acid to rise, you know. Before consuming or recommending pumpkin to people with stomach acid, find out more info, come on!

Pumpkin is a fruit that is low in calories, but rich in fiber and a variety of nutrients, including carbohydrates, protein, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, iron, phosphorus and manganese, so it is useful for increasing endurance. maintain eye health, and lose weight.

Apart from these benefits, pumpkin is also a good fruit choice to prevent the recurrence of symptoms of stomach acid or GERD.

Reasons Yellow Pumpkin is Good for Stomach Acid

Consumption of high-water fruit can help dilute and neutralize stomach acid, so it is safe for people who have stomach ulcers or GERD. Well, pumpkin is safe for consumption by people with stomach acid because it has a fairly high water content, which is around 92 ml per 100 grams.

Sufferers of stomach acid are also advised to eat foods rich in fiber, such as pumpkin. Research shows that adequate fiber intake, especially by eating fruits and vegetables, can help treat symptoms and reduce the risk of stomach acid rising up into the esophagus.

Consumption of fibrous foods can also make the body full longer, so that the desire to overeat can be prevented. You need to know, eating too much can make stomach acid rise and trigger heartburn, you know.

In addition, although pumpkin contains vitamin C which is acidic, the levels are not too high. So, it is still classified as safe for consumption by GERD sufferers.

So, after knowing the facts above, now you can include pumpkin in the diet for people with stomach acid. Yellow pumpkin can be processed into various dishes, such as compote, pudding, soup, or roasted pumpkin.

To be on the safe side, pumpkin should be cooked without fat or with a little oil. You are also not advised to eat too much pumpkin because this fruit can irritate the stomach and make your stomach bloated if eaten too much.

Various Foods that are Safe for Stomach Acid

Apart from pumpkin, there are many types of food that are good for consumption by people with stomach acid. These foods include:

  • Fruits, such as apples, pears, bananas, melons, or papayas
  • Vegetables, such as green beans, broccoli, carrots, cucumbers, and potatoes
  • Lean chicken or beef
  • Fish and seafood, such as squid, clams and seaweed
  • Legumes, such as edamame, soybeans, and kidney beans
  • Seeds, such as flaxseed, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds
  • Oatmeal
  • Ginger

To prevent stomach acid from recurring, reduce or limit foods that can trigger stomach acid to rise, such as fatty foods, fried foods, coffee and alcoholic beverages.

Apart from paying attention to the type of food, people with gastric acid are also advised to eat moderately and slowly, not to smoke and drink alcoholic beverages, not to lie down or sleep for at least 2 hours after eating, and to maintain an ideal body weight.

If you have questions regarding eating pumpkin for stomach acid, don't hesitate to consult a doctor, OK? You also need to see a doctor if your symptoms of stomach acid are getting worse or not getting better.

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