6 Characteristics of Dehydration in Babies to Watch Out for

"Dehydration is a natural thing to happen to babies, but that doesn't mean this condition can be underestimated. Signs that a baby is dehydrated include a dry mouth and a decreased frequency of urination"

Not only adults, babies can also experience dehydration, you know. Dehydration in infants can be a sign of certain diseases, such as diarrhea or vomiting. Sometimes, this condition can occur when a baby doesn't want to drink breast milk because he has a sore mouth or sore throat.

Dehydration in babies is actually a common thing, considering their bodies are still very small, so losing even a little fluid can have an effect on the body.

Even so, dehydration but should not be underestimated. If you don't get treatment right away, dehydration can lead to more serious health conditions.

Characteristics of Dehydration in Infants

The characteristics of dehydration in infants are not much different from the characteristics of dehydration in adults. Thirst is one of the earliest signs indicating dehydration in babies. Dry mouth and tongue

Dry mouth and tongue can be marked by chapped lips. Usually, the throat will also feel dry. When a baby is dehydrated, their saliva production is much reduced, this is what causes symptoms of dry mouth.

2. Little or no tears when crying

Crying is a part of a baby's life. However, if the baby cries with little or no tears, this can indicate that the body is deficient in fluids, and nutrition must be maintained properly.

3. Sleep longer than usual

Generally, babies do sleep longer than adults, which is about more than 10 hours per day. However, if babies are dehydrated, they will rest longer than usual. This is because when there is a lack of fluids and nutrients, the body gets tired more easily.

When the baby is automatically exhausted, it requires a longer rest than usual. Therefore, pay close attention to the baby's bedtime, make sure he gets enough fluids, and get enough rest. Sunken in some areas of the baby's body

Sunken under the eyes and fontanel are also signs of dehydration in babies. This happens because when the body lacks hydration, the tissue layers become less full and supple.

The skin under the eyes and on the crown of a baby is thinner than the rest of the body. So, when a baby is dehydrated, it is this part of the body that loses elasticity more quickly, causing a concave area.

5. The frequency of baby's urination is reduced

In the first six months, normally a baby changes diapers five or six times a day. If the mother feels that she is changing diapers less frequently, or that the baby is peeing less, this could be a sign that the baby is dehydrated.

Another sign that you also shouldn't ignore is a change in urine color. Normally, urine is bright yellow, almost towards white. However, if the urine is dark yellow or brownish, this is most likely a sign of dehydration. The baby becomes more fussy

A baby's cry can signal a variety of things, including dehydration and hunger. If he cries constantly with other symptoms of dehydration, then the mother must be vigilant. Immediately give the baby milk, or if the baby is big enough give fruit, to replace lost fluids and nutrients.

Those are the symptoms of dehydration in babies that mothers should watch out for. Remember, to continue to pay attention to the slightest changes in the baby, because it could indicate certain health conditions.

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