Provides Antiaging Effects, Here Are 13 Benefits of Royal Jelly for Health

“Royal jelly comes from the secretion of milk in bees which consists of various vitamins and minerals. Its functions range from increasing fertility to lowering blood sugar in the body.”

Royal jelly consists of the main ingredients in the form of water, sugar, fatty acids, and a protein called royalactin. The various health benefits of this natural ingredient are the effects of royalactin on the development of bee larvae.

When the queen bee dies, the worker bees feed the female larvae with royal jelly. This method changes the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of the insects so they can become queens.

Royal jelly or queen bee milk is not the same as honey. Even so, this natural ingredient is still safe for you to consume. Included in the form of capsules or liquid. Other benefits, namely lowering blood pressure and maintaining blood sugar.

So, want to know what are the benefits of royal jelly for the health of the body?

Nutritional Content In Royal Jelly

Queen bee milk is a healthy food containing nine glycoproteins. These nutrients are known as primary royal jelly proteins (MRJPs) and are two fatty acids, namely trans-10-Hydroxy-2-decenoic acid and 10-Hydroxydecanoic acid.

Queen bee milk also contains several B vitamins and trace minerals (composition of organs and body tissues). In addition, some other good content, including:

  • Thiamine (B1).
  • Riboflavin (B2).
  • Pantothenic acid (B5).
  • Pyridoxine (B6).
  • Niacin (B3).
  • Folic acid (B9).
  • Inositol (B8).
  • Biotin (B7).

Simply put, royal jelly contains water, carbohydrates, protein, fat, B vitamins and trace minerals. It is this unique protein and fatty acid that maximizes its benefits to the body.

Benefits of Royal Jelly for the Body

Royal jelly is a white, milky liquid produced by the hypopharyngeal glands of worker honey bees. This liquid is food for bee larvae until they are three days old.

Some of the benefits, namely:

1. Increase male fertility

Infertility is the main cause of difficulty having children. The causes themselves, namely stress, unbalanced nutrition, pollution, and radiation.

According to a study entitled Protective effect of royal jelly on the sperm parameters and testosterone level and lipid peroxidation in adult mice treated with oxymetholone from the Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine, queen bee milk can increase sperm count, maturation, motility, and plasma testosterone levels.

This natural ingredient has the ability to reduce the percentage of DNA damage due to the presence of protein, sugar, lipids, vitamins and free amino acids. In addition, queen bee milk has several pharmacological activities including vasodilative and hypotensive and increases the rate of sperm growth.

2. It has antioxidants and anti-inflammatories

Queen bee milk can reduce inflammation and oxidative stress. In several test-tube and animal studies, specific amino acids, fatty acids, and phenolic compounds in it have strong antioxidant effects. However, scientists have yet to carry out further research on humans.

According to a study entitled In vitro anti-inflammatory effects of three fatty acids from royal jelly in Mediators of Inflammation, queen bee milk contains three types of fatty acids, namely trans-10-hydroxy-2-dekenoic acid (10-H2DA), 10- hydroxysidecanoic (10-HDAA), and sebacic acid (SEA).

These three fatty acids work by inhibiting the release of substances that trigger inflammation. They regulate several proteins involved in signaling pathways and are overall able to fight disease.

3. Reducing the risk of heart disease by affecting cholesterol levels

Queen bee milk can reduce the risk of heart disease by minimizing cholesterol levels in the blood. This benefit comes from the specific protein content in the form of royalactin.

A study in the journal Royal Jelly Reduces Cholesterol Levels, Ameliorates Aβ Pathology and Enhances Neuronal Metabolic Activities in a Rabbit Model of Alzheimer's Disease in guinea pigs for 12 weeks, found a decrease in total cholesterol levels. The numbers range from 28 percent and 23 percent.

While research on humans for more than one month, there was a decrease of 11 percent and 4 percent in total cholesterol and bad cholesterol. This benefit occurs thanks to consuming 3 grams of queen bee milk every day.

4. Helping the wound healing process

Queen bee milk used orally or topically can support the healing process of wounds and skin inflammation. According to a study in Microbiological Research, this benefit occurs thanks to the antibacterial effect which keeps the wound clean and free from infection.

5. Helps lower blood pressure

Queen bee milk can protect the heart and circulatory system by reducing blood pressure. It works by relaxing the smooth muscle cells in the veins and arteries.

6. Regulate blood sugar

Queen bee milk can improve blood sugar control and insulin sensitivity by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation. One small 6-month human study showed a 20 percent reduction in fasting blood sugar. This benefit occurs thanks to consuming queen bee milk every day.

7. Support brain function and performance

A study published in the journal Royal jelly decreases corticosterone levels and improves the brain antioxidant system in restraint and cold stressed rats, which revealed that rats induced by stress and treated with queen bee milk had lower stress hormone levels.

In addition, they also have a better way of working the central nervous system. However, it requires further research related to the benefits in humans.

8. Increase tear secretion

Consuming queen bee milk can increase tear secretion and overcome dry eyes. As of now, there are no side effects associated with the use of this healthy food in humans.

9. Provides anti-aging effects

In skincare products, queen bee milk can improve skin health, so it looks younger. Until now, scientists still need further research on these benefits.

10. Boost the immune system

Queen bee milk can enhance the body's natural immune response against bacteria and viruses. This benefit occurs thanks to fatty acids that work by increasing antibacterial activity.

11. Reducing the side effects of cancer treatment

Chemotherapy and other cancer treatments have negative side effects, including heart failure, inflammation, and digestive problems. By consuming queen bee milk, the ingredients in it reduce the risk of these side effects.

12. Coping with menopausal symptoms

Queen bee milk can treat symptoms associated with menopause. For example, pain, memory impairment, depression and anxiety.

This usefulness is supported by a study entitled Royal Jelly Supplementation Improves Menopausal Symptoms Such as Backache, Low Back Pain, and Anxiety in Postmenopausal Japanese Women.

The result, consuming 800 milligrams of queen bee milk for 12 weeks can reduce symptoms such as back pain and anxiety.

13. Increases female fertility

The effectiveness of queen bee milk is the same as that of phyto-estrogens in being able to support the performance of the muscles and lining of the uterus. It is rich in iron, calcium, vitamins D, E, B, and amino acids, namely medium chain fatty acids.

How to Take Royal Jelly?

Because research is relatively limited, a definitive recommended dose for queen bee milk has not been established. However, these ingredients are available in the form of gels, powders, capsules or liquids.

The recommended dose for use is around 300 to 6,000 milligrams per day. If you have never used it, you should start with a small dose to avoid allergic reactions and other side effects.

To prevent side effects after use, make sure you are not allergic to the ingredients in it. Use is also not recommended in children under 1 year old.

In addition, first discuss with your doctor if you have these conditions:

  • Is pregnant.
  • Currently breastfeeding.
  • Suffering from diseases, such as asthma, dermatitis, and allergies.
  • Middle of taking laxatives.
  • Have a plan to undergo a surgical procedure.

What's the Difference between Royal Jelly and Honey?

Both royal jelly and honey are processed products from bees. The difference lies in the process.

Royal jelly is a milk-like nutrient secreted by bees and consumed by the queen bee and its young. It comes from worker honey bees.

While honey, this natural ingredient comes from pollen and flower nectar. Then, mixed with the digestion of bees.

Side Effects of Using Royal Jelly

Even though it has many benefits, royal jelly also has the potential to cause side effects, such as:

  • Allergic reaction. Symptoms can include skin rash, hives, swelling of the face or tongue, shortness of breath, or anaphylaxis. This is a severe and potentially life-threatening allergic reaction.
  • Digestive problems. Use in high doses causes diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.
  • Asthma flare. Using royal jelly risks exacerbating existing asthma problems.
  • Drug interactions. Royal jelly can interact with certain medications, such as anticoagulants and high blood pressure medications.
  • Hormonal effects. This condition has the potential to disrupt the body's hormonal balance in the long term.

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