The Effects of Drugs on Physical and Mental Health

"The effects of drugs can have a significant impact if they are misused and in the long term. This impact can target the user physically and mentally."

Drugs are illegal drugs that have a psychoactive effect on the central nervous system. This substance can cause physical and mental changes.

The effect varies for each person, depending on the type. So that you can be more alert, recognize the negative effects of drugs on physical and mental health.

Effects of Drugs on Physical Health

Drug use can have significant damaging effects on physical health. Some of them, namely:

1. Respiratory system disorders

Various types of drugs such as marijuana and cocaine can damage the lungs and respiratory system. Marijuana use can cause lung irritation, chronic bronchitis, and increase the risk of respiratory infections.

While cocaine can damage lung tissue and cause permanent damage.

2. Cardiovascular disorders

Addiction to illegal drugs, such as cocaine, amphetamines, and heroin can cause serious problems in the cardiovascular system. Cocaine can increase your risk of heart attack, heart failure, or heart arrhythmias.

Meanwhile, the use of amphetamine can increase blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, and the risk of heart attack. Heroin use can inhibit heart function and cause heart disease.

3. Liver damage

The illegal drugs you inject can cause serious liver damage. Drugs in injection form can cause hepatitis B infection, hepatitis C, or even liver failure.

4. Indigestion

Opiates or stimulants are a type of drug that can affect a person's digestive system. For example, use of opiates such as heroin can cause severe constipation, ileus, or intestinal damage.

Stimulants such as cocaine or amphetamines can trigger digestive disturbances such as nausea, vomiting, or eating disorders.

5. Decreased immune system

These banned substances can also weaken a person's immune system. Lowered immunity can then increase the risk of infection and disease.

For example, injecting drug use can increase the risk of HIV infection or hepatitis. In addition, drug abuse can also hamper the body's ability to fight infection and disease.

Effects of Drugs on Mental Health

Apart from physical health, drugs also have negative effects on mental health as follows:

1. Mood swings

Drug addicts tend to experience extreme mood swings. Usually this effect is felt in those who use cocaine or amphetamines.

Both types of these substances can trigger high euphoria which can turn into fatigue, depression, and anxiety after the effects wear off.

2. Anxiety disorders

Drug use can also exacerbate pre-existing anxiety disorders. While a person may initially feel calm or relaxed after using drugs, these effects are only temporary.

Long-term use can exacerbate anxiety and even trigger other problems, such as panic attacks.

3. Changes in sleeping habits

Most of the most common effects of drugs are sleep disturbances. Like amphetamine, for example, this substance can trigger insomnia for the wearer. Long-term use can later disrupt the body's natural sleep cycle.

4. Cognitive problems

Prolonged use of illegal drugs can cause cognitive impairment, such as memory impairment, difficulty concentrating, and decreased learning ability.

Like marijuana for example, this substance can affect long-term learning and concentration abilities. Use of stimulant drugs such as methamphetamine or ecstasy can impair a person's cognitive function.

5. Psychotic disorders

Psychotropics, such as LSD, psilocybin, or MDMA, can cause psychotic symptoms. These symptoms include hallucinations, paranoia, or delusions that are distorted from reality. 6. Psychiatric problems

Drugs also worsen symptoms or trigger the development of other psychiatric disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder.

These banned substances can also affect a person's energy level, motivation, and ability to live everyday life well.

How to Prevent Drug Abuse

In order not to fall into drug abuse, know the following preventive steps:

1. Education and awareness

Increasing knowledge and awareness about the dangers of drugs is an important first step. Education about the risks and consequences of drug use can help change drug-related perceptions and behaviors. 

2. Build open communication

Establishing open communication with family, friends, and people around you can help recognize early signs of drug abuse. Discuss openly about the dangers of drugs and how important it is to stay away from them.

3. Cultivate a positive attitude

Developing a positive attitude and having clear goals in life can help protect yourself from drug temptation. Establishing positive relationships with peers and seeking rewarding activities are also important.

4. Build resilience skills

Developing emotional and mental resilience skills is key to dealing with pressure and stress without the need for drugs. Find alternative ways to deal with stress, such as exercise, art or meditation.

5. Form a healthy environment

Create a drug-free environment at home, school and community. This is done by implementing policies that prohibit drug use and quality education about the dangers of drugs.

6. Seek professional support

Don't hesitate to seek professional help if you are experiencing stress, depression or even have entered into substance abuse. Counselors, psychologists, or drug rehabilitation agencies can provide the support, care, and direction needed for recovery.

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